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Connecting your site

Websites can call:

async function connectSite() {
return await window.ethereum.request({ method: 'eth_requestAccounts' })
console.log(await connectSite())


to make a request for permissions to an account.

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The user is asked to confirm which, if any, of the wallet's accounts should be visible to the website. For those allowed accounts, the website will be able to see the corresponding account address.

The website will also be able to ask the user to approve (sign / send) transactions and to sign data. Signing transactions and messages require separate user confirmations after the initial account approval.

Permissions can be revoked in brave://settings/content/ethereum. A user can also open up the wallet panel and disconnect a connected site when they are on that site.

If a wallet is not yet setup and a page requests permissions, Brave opens brave://wallet for the user to setup the wallet.

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