is an alias of window.braveSolana
which should be used mainly.
is required before calling other methods. First time calling
connect will prompt users to grant permission for current selected account and
the permission will be stored in brave://settings/content/solana
. Subsequent
calls won't ask for permission again if granted permission is still in
content settings. Note that having granted permission doesn't mean a dApp
is connected, a website still need to call braveSolana.connect
when disconnected.
interface ConnectOptions {
// Eagerly connect
onlyIfTrusted?: boolean
braveSolana.connect(options?: ConnectOptions) : Promise<{ publicKey: solanaWeb3.PublicKey }>
When a connect succeeds, solanaWeb3.PublicKey object will be returned, otherwise the promise will be rejected with error.
const result = await window.braveSolana.connect();
// BrG44HdsEhzapvs8bEqzvkq4egwevS3fRE6ze2ENo6S8
Eagerly connect
// eagerly connect
braveSolana.connect({ onlyIfTrusted: true }) : Promise<{ publicKey: solanaWeb3.PublicKey }>
When an optional { onlyIfTrusted: true }
is provided, that means a website
wants to eagerly connect, which means connect request will be rejected
automatically when it doesn't have previously granted permission or the wallet
is locked.
will set state of the site to be disconnected for the
selected account. Note that it won't remove the granted permission in content
braveSolana.disconnect() : Promise<undefined>
This API will sign the transaction with private key of the selected account and submit it using Solana JSON RPC. It takes a solanaWeb3.Transaction and an optional solanaWeb3.SendOptions parameter , and return a promise containing a public key and a signature.
interface SendOptions = {
/** disable transaction verification step */
skipPreflight?: boolean,
/** preflight commitment level */
preflightCommitment?: string, // 'processed' | 'confirmed' | 'finalized'
/** Maximum number of times for the RPC node to retry sending the
transaction to the leader. */
maxRetries?: number;
braveSolana.signAndSendTransaction(solanaWeb3.Transaction, options?: SendOptions)
: Promise<{publicKey: <base58 encoded string>,
signature: <base58 encoded string>}>
const NETWORK = clusterApiUrl("testnet");
const connection = new Connection(NETWORK);
const transaction = new Transaction();
try {
const result = await window.braveSolana.signAndSendTransaction(transaction,
{maxRetries: 5, preflightCommitment: 'finalized', skipPreflight: false} // optional
// BrG44HdsEhzapvs8bEqzvkq4egwevS3fRE6ze2ENo6S8
await connection.confirmTransaction(result.signature);
} catch (err) {
// { code: 4001, message: 'User rejected the request.' }
This API allows a website to sign a transaction and submit it later. It takes a solanaWeb3.Transaction and return a promise containing a solanaWeb3.Transaction
braveSolana.signTransaction(solanaWeb3.Transaction) : Promise<solanaWeb3.Transaction>
const NETWORK = clusterApiUrl("testnet");
const connection = new Connection(NETWORK);
const transaction = new Transaction();
try {
const signedTransaction = await window.braveSolana.signTransaction(transaction);
const signature = await connection.sendRawTransaction(signedTransaction.serialize());
} catch (err) {
// { code: 4001, message: 'User rejected the request.' }
This API is deprecated but is available in Brave Wallet.
This API allows a website to sign some transactions and submit them later. It takes an array of solanaWeb3.Transaction and return a promise containing an array of solanaWeb3.Transaction
braveSolana.signTransaction(solanaWeb3.Transaction[]) : Promise<solanaWeb3.Transaction[]>
const NETWORK = clusterApiUrl("testnet");
const connection = new Connection(NETWORK);
const transaction1 = new Transaction();
const transaction2 = new Transaction();
try {
const signedTransactions = await window.braveSolana.signTransaction([transaction1, transaction2]);
signedTransactions.forEach(signedTransaction => {
const signature = await connection.sendRawTransaction(signedTransaction.serialize())});
} catch (err) {
// { code: 4001, message: 'User rejected the request.' }
This API is deprecated but is available in Brave Wallet.
Allows a website to sign a message using the selected account. If we detect the message payload to be signed is a transaction, we will reject the request automatically. This API takes Uint8Array with an optional encoding (hex or utf8) to display the message to users. If a caller doesn't specify encoding, default would be utf8.
braveSolana.signMessage(Uint8Array, string?) : Promise({ publicKey: <solanaWeb3.PublicKey>,
signature: <Uint8Array> })
const encodedMessage = new TextEncoder().encode('signMessage test');
// signedMessage1 === signedMessage2 === signedMessage3
const signedMessage1 = await window.braveSolana.signMessage(encodedMessage);
const signedMessage2 = await window.braveSolana.signMessage(encodedMessage, "utf8");
const signedMessage2 = await window.braveSolana.signMessage(encodedMessage, "hex");
The request
API allow a website to call above methods with a universal
interface. Note input and output might be different for some methods,
ex. signTransaction.
braveSolana.request({ method: <string>,
parms: {...}}) : Promise<{...}>
is optional for connect.
braveSolana.request({ method: "connect" })
: Promise<{ publicKey: solanaWeb3.PublicKey}>
// eagerly connect
braveSolana.request({ method: "connect", params: { onlyIfTrusted : true }})
: Promise<{ publicKey: solanaWeb3.PublicKey}>
disconnect does not need params
braveSolana.request({ method: "disconnect" }) : Promise<{}>
is required and websites must specify base58 encode of
of solanaWeb3.Transaction.
Optional options
of type solanaWeb3.SendOptions can be specified in param
in return promise is base58 encoded signature, it is also the
confirmed block hash.
braveSolana.request({method: "signAndSendTransaction",
params: { message: <base58 encoded string> }})
: Promise<{ publicKey: <base58 encoded string>,
signature: <base58 encoded string>}>
const bs58 = require("bs58");
const NETWORK = clusterApiUrl("testnet");
const connection = new Connection(NETWORK);
const transaction = new Transaction();
try {
const result = await window.braveSolana.request({
method: "signAndSendTransaction",
params: {
message: bs58.encode(transaction.serializeMessage()),
options: {maxRetries: 5, preflightCommitment: 'finalized', skipPreflight: false} // optional
// BrG44HdsEhzapvs8bEqzvkq4egwevS3fRE6ze2ENo6S8
await connection.confirmTransaction(result.signature);
} catch (err) {
// { code: 4001, message: 'User rejected the request.' }
is required and websites must specify base58 encode of
of solanaWeb3.Transaction.
in return promise is base58 encoded signature.
braveSolana.request({method: "signTransaction",
params: { message: <base58 encoded string> }})
: Promise<{ publicKey: <base58 encoded string>,
signature: <base58 encoded string> }>
const bs58 = require("bs58");
const NETWORK = clusterApiUrl("testnet");
const connection = new Connection(NETWORK);
const transaction = new Transaction();
try {
const signedTransaction = await window.braveSolana.request({
method: "signTransaction"
params: { message: bs58.encode(transaction.serializeMessage()) }
console.log('signature: ' + signedTransaction.signature);
} catch (err) {
// { code: 4001, message: 'User rejected the request.' }
This API is deprecated but is available in Brave Wallet.
is required and websites must specify an array of base58 encode of
of solanaWeb3.Transaction.
in return promise is an array of base58 encoded signatures.
Note that all of the transacion must be the same signer, otherwise request will
be rejected.
braveSolana.request({method: "signAllTransactions",
params: { message: <base58 encoded string>[] }})
: Promise<{ publicKey: <base58 encoded string>,
signature: <base58 encoded string>[] }>
const bs58 = require("bs58");
const NETWORK = clusterApiUrl("testnet");
const connection = new Connection(NETWORK);
const transaction1 = new Transaction();
const transaction2 = new Transaction();
const transactions = [transaction1, transaction2];
const message = => {
return bs58.encode(transaction.serializeMessage());
try {
const signedTransactions = await window.braveSolana.request({
method: "signAllTransactions"
params: { message }
signedTransactions.signature.forEach((signedTransaction) => {
console.log('signature: ' + signedTransaction);
} catch (err) {
// { code: 4001, message: 'User rejected the request.' }
This API is deprecated but is available in Brave Wallet.
A website must specify Uint8Array to be signed in message
of params
is optional for display encoding to users,
it only accepts hex or utf8 (default: utf8).
in returned promise is base58 encoded of signature byte array.
braveSolana.request({method: "signMessage",
params: { message: Uint8Array, params?: <string> }})
: Promise<{ publicKey: <base58 encoded string>,
signature: <base58 encoded string> }>
const encodedMessage = new TextEncoder().encode('signMessage test')
// signedMessage1 === signedMessage2 === signedMessage3
const signedMessage1 = await window.braveSolana.request({
method: "signMessage",
params: {message: encodedMessage}
const signedMessage2 = await window.braveSolana.request({
method: "signMessage",
params: {message: encodedMessage, display: "utf8"}
const signedMessage3 = await window.braveSolana.request({
method: "signMessage",
params: {message: encodedMessage, display: "hex"}